Horizon explores the secrets of what makes a long, healthy and happy life. It turns out that a time you can't remember - the nine months you spend in the womb - could have more lasting effects on you today than your lifestyle or genes. It is one of the most powerful and provocative new ideas in human science, and it was pioneered by a British scientist, Professor David Barker. ...
“All You Can Eat随便吃!”餐厅正在席卷牛津高街!在这里,有无限量的食物等着你,而且,只需要支付一个固定的价格,食客们就可以随意食用啦,想吃多少尽管吃,不!限!量!本片由约翰尼·维加斯旁白,记录了一些非凡的食客,他们能够一口气吃下四天所需的卡路里,还有那些精明的餐厅老板们,他们知道为人所知的每一个快速填满我们肚子的技巧。欢迎来到“随便吃”的世界——这种时尚饮食真的让英国人欲罢不能!